Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

Why i got born in with the family being inharmonious? is this my way. Why all this happen. God help me. I turned out to have two mother and father, neglected my life back and forth. Now i live alone in the city wonosobo. Many people menyayangiku indeed, but there is one who dislikes with me with good oranglain terhadapa me. Living there here only to find sesuap eat and meet kebutuhanku. It seems i want to cry with keadaaanku this. I work as teachers in any elementary school, and i currently being finish kuliahku ... moment this i need donator for help me, That i can continue kuliahku this. I want meyelsaikan kuliahku but, keadaanku with this, god help i am god. Had i having a parent whole maybe mine not like this, i want to feel a love of my parents. All my parents were in bekasi and i decided to.

I wish someone would help me i want to live and serve the people. I want to live having harmonious families.